Offshore aquaculture – Important parameters when choosing farm site.

Off-shore shore aquaculture cultivation can be the most cost-effective way to grow fish on captivity if the location in chosen wisely. Establishment cost of an offshore fish farm will be significantly lower than Intensive land-based aquaculture in ponds or Rin Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) while the operation cost in many locations will be similar.

The risks in offshore aquaculture are higher that in land base aquaculture because it is always an open ecosystem with interaction with native organisms, no control over the water quality, exposed to rough weather conditions such as storms, waves temperature, and currents and marine animal can break nets.

The location of the offshore aquaculture project can be the difference between successful project to a losing one. Here are some of the important parameters for consideration when choosing the location for offshore aquaculture project:

  1. Climate: the climate at the location will affect the establishment cost of the fish farm operation – rough weather will require stronger and more expensive technology for infrastructure. The risk for damages to the infrastructure, nets and boats is much greater in rough weather than calm one.

    Waves: Operation will be significantly affected by waves. Feeding, harvesting and other day to day work can become much harder to do in high sea.

    Water temperature: Cultivation is another aspect that is affected by climate. Too cold or too warm water may slow down fish growth and increase the farm FCR.

    Currents: In general, moderate current has positive effect on the fish. The inlet of fresh water and oxygen are important for the fish stock. Never the less, strong current even if it is only at times, can create deformation of the nets, reduce the nets volume and bring to loss of the stock.

    It is important to do the best environmental study possible as part of the projects feasibility and adapt the holding system adequate for the conditions at the location. 1 storm can destroy the work done over a year.


  2. Proximity to hatchery: Fingerling is the prime material of the farm production. fingerling can be imported but it will increase the cost of production and require in land quarantine period before stoking.

  3. Proximity to the market: The proximity to the big markets will improve the farms ability to compete with other producer as the shipping cost will be reduced. In other cases, it can improve the farms income if the sale price is equal to the market price but shipping cost are lower.

  4. Competition with other local industries: aquaculture in some location was found to interfere with the tourism industry and oil industry.

  5. Labor: technician and managers are required for the operation and success of the aquaculture project. Proximity to population center, Universities and training centers will have positive effect on the company ability to find quality and reliable work force.

  6. Infrastructure: the infrastructure is another parameter that can be watershed between a profitable project and losing one.

  • Roads that are used for delivery of materials into the farm and products to the markets.
  • Naval port on which the operation can rely on for transfer of feed into the farm, unload the fish after is has been harvested, used of the operation small boats, fuel etc.
  • Airports Used for import of fingerling and export of production.
  • Hospital and pressure chamber – for any case of injury and more important when divers involved, pressure chamber.

       7. Specie selection:  when growing fish in an offshore cultivation system only endemic fish can be cultivated.

      8. Marine animal at the area: the type of Marin animal at the location can have significant effect on the operation. Shark and seals may cause stress and break nets, jelly fish an impose danger to the workers.

In order the to decide on the best location for an offshore aquaculture operation site, a thorough environmental study as part of the feasibility study must be carried out.

Dagan Experienced aquaculture team can carry out such feasibility study for aquaculture project that will ensure the safety and success of your next project.

For more information regarding Dagan aquaculture projects.



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