In large scale projects involving large financial resources, it is necessary to take steps to reduce risks as part of risk management. Prior to the allocation of significant resources, we must perform a meticulous examination of the move; an analysis of the factors that are influential and influenced by it, the factors of production, the production environment; a simulation of production; and an examination of the possible economic scenarios, all in order to receive a satisfactory economic outcome. As part of its customer service, Dagan Automation developed a detailed professional platform that includes meticulous data gathering for the production environment and its conditions, as well as for the business, marketing and financial environment. Afterwards, a simulation of all the factors is performed and various scenarios are examined. Suitable technological solutions are examined, on the basis of the simulation’s results, in order to maximize the agricultural production within the specific environment in which it was examined. After a production environment is thus matched with the suitable technology, planning begins. The next stage is testing the feasibility of an agricultural project by using clearl economic parameters to recommend or reject its construction, this on the basis of real data from the relevant environment of the project. A successful feasibility test, one which passed the threshold of the final economic test, could become a business plan that may be submitted to financial entities and be later executed to the letter on the customer’s site.
Moshav Haniel
Zip Code: 42865-00
Moshav Haniel
HaGiv'a Street 19
Zip Code: 42865-00
Tel: 972-9-8987034
Fax: 972-9-8985224